Dear Mr. Merchant:
By now you will have received a letter (attached) from the B.C. Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) which I believe is relevant to all B.C. Corrections Branch employees. Consistent with the information initially provided by Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to acting Regional Manager, Simon Glen, the letter from the BCCLA cautions the B.C. Corrections Branch from further restricting the off-duty activities … the very Charter rights of Branch employees … on their off-duty time.
I have written to you at least twice now Mr. Merchant … asking for a full and impartial investigation into the harassment, unfair hiring practices and abuse of authority perpetrated against Branch staff by certain B.C. Corrections managers. Instead you offered an investigation by the Public Service Agency … a clear conflict in my view. That perception of bias is likely shared by most Branch employees. Aren’t you supposed to avoid the very appearance of conflict and bias Mr. Merchant? Isn’t that in our “standards of conduct” Sir?
I am now advised the Branch is doing it’s level best to “discourage” supportive employees from associating with me in any way. I guess you wouldn’t really want Branch employees freely discussing these issues would you Mr. Merchant? I respectfully request … in fact … I expect this harassment of other employees … this continued intimidation … will cease immediately. Once again this muzzling of employees cries out for a full investigation.
This is simply one more egregious violation, this time of an employee’s right to freedom of association as guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. First free speech … now freedom of association Mr. Merchant? Once again Sir, I intend to hold you and the Branch accountable.
I continue to be amazed at how Darryl Walker and the BCGEU can allow this to continue. Isn’t the BCGEU supposed to fight for the rights of its employees? Clearly, the BCGEU doesn’t really view it’s member’s Charter Rights as all that important either.
On 11-APR-2013 I wrote to you expressing my concern about this “appearance of conflict,” this lack of transparency and the absence of fairness in this suggested approach. I might point out I was still “encouraged” to “bring a shop steward” even when it is my senior mangers who are supposedly being investigated and not me. The BCGEU has advised you I will not be attending any such meeting where disciplinary action and further persecution appear to be the predominant goal.
Once again Mr. Merchant, I am formally requesting a transparent and impartial investigation be initiated into the abuse of supervisory authority infused so deeply into the culture of the B.C. Corrections Branch.
I view this as your responsibility Mr. Merchant … your legislated mandate …. and I look forward to hearing from you very shortly.
Yours very truly,
Richard Maddocks
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