Lengthy letter to the Regional Crown asking that my charge be stayed and laying out the reasons why. I have also put the Crown on notice I hold them responsible for much of what has transpired since my unlawful arrest.
Richard E. Maddocks
5071 Helena Lake Road
100 Mile House BC V0K 2E1
Mr. Alexander “Sandy” MacDonell
Regional Crown Counsel
250 George Street V2L 6S2
Prince George BC
By E-mail to: McRoberts, Gayle JAG:EX Gayle.McRoberts@gov.bc.ca
Dear Mr. MacDonell:
RE: MADDOCKS: Richard Edward – DOB: 07-JUL-1960
Court File # 32552-C-2 / 100 Mile House RCMP File # 13-631
Malicious Prosecution, Abuse of Process and Lack of Disclosure
I received your letter and email dated 09-MAY-2013 and I appreciate your attention to this rather complicated and disturbing matter.
My next court date is in 100 Mile House on 05-JUN-2013. I need to move from the temporary place I have been living on or about 01-JUN-2013 and I need to make some decisions around when and where I will seek new, more permanent residence. Of course, all of this hinges on whether or not I can have my personal belongings returned … and when.
Although I am seeking a stay of the charge against me, I just received a letter from Rainer and Jane Peters, the identified “victims” in this case, advising all my personal belongings and household goods have been moved to storage and I must pay “expenses” of $1,410.00 dollars plus $119.99 monthly for “storage.” They insist I pay them everything they demand “in full before [I] claim [my] belongings in storage.” My predicament is this Mr. MacDonell. I cannot afford to pay the $ 1410.00 plus the ever accumulating monthly storage. I am seeking protection from my creditors largely because if this chain of events. It has cost me everything I have to replace the things I have needed to live and to fight this battle. Consequently it appears I will lose all my possessions in storage … one way or the other.
Some of these possessions are papers, computer records and other documentary evidence, the lack thereof has severely hampered my ability to defend myself in this and other very serious matters. Whether this is determined to be a Residential Tenancy Act matter or a matter of contract law, I believe Rainer and Jane Peters had neither legal grounds nor colour of right to evict me. Neither did they have any right to lay hands on and take possession of my property. I strongly believe I can convince an adjudicator or a judge of that and I believe these assertions are well-supported by the evidence. Had the Crown taken even a casual glance at the evidence she would surely have suspected there was something amiss. So the question arises …. “Why would the Crown steadfastly refuse to address the obvious issues in this case?”
Regardless of any finding on the jurisdictional issue, by turning off the water in my home Rainer and Jane Peters deprived me of any reasonable enjoyment of my home. By failing to repair the problem forthwith Rainer and Jane Peters created a serious health hazard in my home. Incredibly, the police again refused to investigate or ask any questions … such as requesting to see the breaker box and pump room for the water system in my home … questions about the supposed repair itself. Nobody asked who completed the repair. Nobody asked about the receipts for the parts … where the parts were purchased etc. etc. Rainer and Jane Peters broke into my home. They lied to the 100 Mile House RCMP and slandered me with their insistence on having knowledge of my dangerousness, with their allegation of my “illegal and unapproved” use of their snowmobile, with their grossly exaggerated report of any reasonable or contrived fear for their safety, with their alleged evidence of my obsession with sex … and the list goes on. The RCMP refused to investigate and instead arrested me despite requested help from them with this escalating and eventually serious health issue. I requested help on at least three earlier occasions culminating in a conversation with the detachment commander. Even then the actions of the RCMP and the Crown suggest, without the need for any real investigation, in the absence of any real evidence, Rainer and Jane Peters were to be believed and I was to be arrested. I find this very disturbing Mr. MacDonell.
I am now advised in a letter from Rainer and Jane Peters all my personal belongings … jewellery …. personal paperwork … personal mementos, family heirlooms, art work, computer equipment … furniture … everything … has been moved to storage and they neglected to disclosed the location of my belongings. I believe I am being extorted for the sum of $1410.00 and counting. I believe Rainer and Jane Peters are in possession of my personal property illegally and have refused to return that property without payment. I believe Rainer Peters is in personal possession of my 26 “ Samsung Syncmaster 275T computer monitor, which I loaned him and which I asked to have returned when this matter arose. That request was ignored. The monitor was last seen in Rainer and Jane Peters’ office, in their home at 5071 Helena Lake Road. I view that monitor as stolen.
Of course, I am unable to respond to this letter of demand and perceived extortion because I have and will continue my respectful, steadfast adherence to my bail conditions which the Crown has refused to vary. I would like to point out many of these disturbing events were preceded by the Crown’s approval of these charges. I noted, on the record, the Crown’s “inattention” to my case until near the end of the Court day at my first appearance. I remain greatly concerned by the Crown’s failure to make adequate disclosure, by the Crown’s subsequent refusal to address an application to vary bail and by the Crown’s apparently-ill-conceived, yet steadfast refusal to stay this charge.
I might suggest the Crown’s actions have been causal in a number of these insults. The Crown’s refusal to address my urgent request for an Order restraining Rainer and Jane Peters from touching or moving my things has also been ignored. Subsequently and consequently my things have been stolen and I am being extorted for their return.
Who will investigate these allegations Mr. MacDonell? It would appear prudent for the Crown to mitigate its expenses as soon as possible. The taxpayers of B.C. will be watching.
I look forward to your expedited reply Sir.
Yours very truly,
Richard Maddocks
Oh boy !! I can sure see I was a bit tired when I wrote this one !!